0441 Design

Software Creators

Month: May 2020

Data Structures: Festigram objects

There is a lot of different data that goes into FestiGram. Early versions of the project ran mostly on the server, which made it simple: I used SQL queries against the database to link, say, the festival with the bands, linked through another table I called bandlist, although The API and client both refer to […]

Festigram: A festival app for the rest of us

Whenever I’d go to a music festival, I’d always end up looking at the schedule and seeing four or five band names I didn’t recognize. Sometimes I’d even listen to them before the festival, but forget who they were when it counted. So I created Festigram as a way to keep track of which band […]

Quantize: Displays

Displays are the link between the character’s senses and the player’s. The first display in the demo is what I call the RPG display. Honestly, it looks way better than I would have thought I could do, and I learned how to build it from this Udemy course, from Nicholas Lever: https://www.udemy.com/course/create-a-3d-rpg-game-with-threejs/ So the result […]

Quantize: Senses

The key to understanding science is that it about the senses. The process of science is the process of understanding things we can’t sense in terms of things we can, and then manipulating things through those insights. Quantize does not use real Forces of Nature, because those are too basic and my phone is not […]

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