0441 Design

Software Creators

Author : Jason

Circle of Trust Voting

I think we need a new system of voting. One big problem with voring is that the default is not-voting, which is kind of bad for society. So we need to switch the default to esy-voting, while accounting for the fact that people are mostly lazy. I think what we need is a system with […]

History of FestiGram: January 2013

In January 2013, my friend asked me if I knew of any apps for keeping track of bands at a festival. I remember I was sitting in the cafeteria at BMW, waiting to meet to with someone there about a project. And while I waited, I created the first blueprint for FestiGram. The basic idea […]

Tool and Metallica

Tool was the last band I saw before the Pandemic, when they closed Aftershock 2019 as headliner. Metallica I haven’t seen in a few years, but I’ve seen them many times, probably my favorite was the Big 4 show where they played the Coachella Main Stage the weekend between Coachella and Stagecoach. I’m talking about […]

FestiGram: Dates and Days

Festivals run on the schedule, and once a scheduled has been announced and entered into FestiGram, you can see it on each Day page. Sign in to FestiGram to follow along. You can get to the Date Detail screen from the Festival Detail page, see this post for directions. Make sure to use Coachella 2019 […]

FestiGram: Research

The basic idea of FestiGram is to know which artist to pick at a festival. The first part is listening before the festival, and in FestiGram that is called Research. Sign in to FestiGram to follow along. The Research Widget is the same in both the Festival Detail screen and the Research screen, but this […]

FestiGram: Festival Detail

FestiGram Research generally refers to listening to musicians before a festival to make some notes to help yourself (or someone else) decide who to see at the festival. The Festival Detail screen contains everything needed to research a festival lineup. You can sign up for FestiGram and follow along. If youre’ not sure how to […]

FestiGram: Festivals

The basic idea of FestiGram is to know which artist to pick at a festival. The first part is listening before the festival, and in FestiGram that is called Research. Sign in to FestiGram to follow along. Series vs. Festival vs. Date vs. … In FestiGram, a series is an annual festival, like Coachella. A […]

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