0441 Design

Software Creators

Festigram: A festival app for the rest of us

Whenever I'd go to a music festival, I'd always end up looking at the schedule and seeing four or five band names I didn't recognize. Sometimes I'd even listen to them before the festival, but forget who they were when it counted. So I created Festigram as a way to keep track of which band to see at a festival.

Who are these people? Do like them?

In the months leading up the festival, you can rate and comment on all the bands playing the show. Once the festival starts, you can see the comments that you put in (or your friends' comments, or just the general public). Plus, at a glance you can always see which band you like are playing and where your friends are at (assuming they are using the app to check in to the shows).

Oh, THAT's who I like.

Festigram is coming soon to https://festigram.0441.design

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