0441 Design

Software Creators

FestiGram: Festival Detail

FestiGram Research generally refers to listening to musicians before a festival to make some notes to help yourself (or someone else) decide who to see at the festival. The Festival Detail screen contains everything needed to research a festival lineup. You can sign up for FestiGram and follow along. If youre' not sure how to find the Coachella 2020 page, see this post.

First is a selector to indicate whether you are planning to attend the festival. This will place the festival in the My Festivals widget on the Launcher page.

Next is the Festival Lineup. This is the entire current festival lineup. You can use the search bar to narrow down the lineup. Clicking any artist will open the Artist Detail page for that artist. (You can review/discuss any artist in FestiGram from the Artist Detail screen, but I'll talk about that in another post.)

The Recent Activity widget is a newest-first feed of all FestiGram comments/discussion related to that festival. You can click the X in the upper right to mark an item as read, removing it form the list. You can also click the swirly arrow to reply to the comment.

Next up is the Festival Research Widget, but I will cover this in another post. The clipboard button will open the Research screen for this festival, which will also be covered in the Research post.

The Related Events Widget shows all the dates and main series. In this case, it shows four for Coachella 2020 (the original two plus the rescheduled). There is also a link to the Coachella Series page, showing all the Coachellas in FestiGram.

Check out FestiGram.

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