0441 Design

Software Creators

FestiGram: Festivals

The basic idea of FestiGram is to know which artist to pick at a festival. The first part is listening before the festival, and in FestiGram that is called Research.
Sign in to FestiGram to follow along.

Series vs. Festival vs. Date vs. ...

In FestiGram, a series is an annual festival, like Coachella. A festival is a particular year, like Coachella 2020. And a date is a specific date, like Coachella Weekend 1. FestiGram also tracks days (Coachella 2020 Weekend 1 Friday) and each set. 2 sets by the same band (even on the same day and stage) will be treated as two unrelated sets.

Finding a Festival

The easiest way to find a festival is by searching in search bar at the top.

Clicking on Coachella in the search bar will open the Series Detail for Coachella.

Series Detail

The Series Detail shows a list of all the years FestiGram has tracked that festival. Click on Coachella 2020.

Festival Detail

Festivals themselves are obviously at the heart of FestiGram. The Festival Detail screen shows everything about a Festival, at least before it starts.

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