0441 Design

Software Creators

FestiGram: Research

The basic idea of FestiGram is to know which artist to pick at a festival. The first part is listening before the festival, and in FestiGram that is called Research.
Sign in to FestiGram to follow along.

The Research Widget is the same in both the Festival Detail screen and the Research screen, but this post will be focused on the Research screen.

You can get to the Coachella 2020 Research screen quickest through the main menu. Click the hamburger at the top. Choose Research from the menu.

Click Research to open the Research screen. Set Coachella as the Festival Name and 2020for the year, or pick whatever festival you want.

The bar at the top with festival name links to the Festival Detail page for the current festival.

The Festival Research widget shows ten artists in the festival lineup that you have not rated within the last year. Artists in the Festival Research widget are sorted that those with the most recent activity (i.e., reviews/discussion) are at the top of the list. Click the card to open the Artist Detail page for that artist. Click the headphones to search for the artist on Spotify (May be somewhat unreliable. I'm working on this lol.) Click the word bubble/star icon to review the artist.

After writing and saving a comment/rating, the Research screen will update.

After rating Disclosure, they have now disappeared from the Research list. Now the recent discussion about them (which is what had pushed them to the top of the Research widget) is visible in the Recent Activity widget.

Finally there is an Artist Search Widget, which will search all the artists associated with the festival, researched or not.

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